viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008

FBI investigates 'Wikipedophilia' - F.B.I. investiga una portada de SCORPIONS

In the wake of WND news coverage, the FBI is now reviewing a Wikipedia photo of a nude adolescent that could violate federal child-pornography laws.

The image in question, titled "Virgin Killer" from RCA's 1976 Scorpions rock album, depicts a naked pre-pubescent girl (appearing about 10 years of age) in a provocative pose. Her chest is completely exposed and a small crack is placed over her vagina.

The album's cover was banned in the United States due to its extremely controversial nature and was later replaced with a photo of the band. When WND brought the image to the attention of several Wikipedia representatives, they denied any knowledge of it.

Asked if the photograph of the nude child would remain on the site or be taken down, Jay Walsh, head of communications for the Wikimedia foundation, responded:

    I have no idea when it will come down, as I probably already discussed with you – the foundation does not play a direct role in making edits to Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a platform for use by members of the public, around the world.

    I understand your concern has been raised with volunteer administrators and editors. They will review and consider your request, in the context of the Wikipedia editorial policies.

As of this evening, the photo of the nude child was still available online.

The nude album cover is just one of many hard-core pornographic images displayed on Wikipedia, WND has revealed.

Mark Pelligrini, regional representative for Wikipedia, told WND, "Wikipedia's goal is to provide an encyclopedia that contains the sum of all human knowledge. To that end, Wikipedia does not censor objectionable material.

"[I]f someone goes to the articles on 'sex,' 'penis' or any graphic topic, we do provide frank descriptions and images," Pelligrini said. "For images, we aim for clinical pictures of the sort you would find in an anatomy or medical textbook."

However, in addition to textbook anatomy images, the following can also be found on Wikipedia:

  • Recordings of women experiencing orgasms
  • Videos of nude men participating in "ejaculation educational demonstrations"
  • Detailed photographs of men and women masturbating
  • Images of mammary intercourse
  • Close-up images of topless women and male and female sexual anatomy
  • Large-scale photos of men performing oral sex on one another (and performing oral sex on themselves)
  • An illustrated list of sex positions
  • Threesomes
  • Photos of nude strippers
Recogido en world net daily

SCORPIONS se han visto involucrados de forma indirecta en un asunto que les relaciona con la pornografía infantil. Recientemente, el FBI estadounidense ha abierto una investigación sobre si el hecho de que la portada del disco de SCOPRIONS “Virgen killer” colgada en “Wikipedia” viola las leyes federales en lo reaccionado con la pornografía infantil.

La portada del disco fechado en 1976, muestra a una niña de unos diez u once años totalmente desnuda (salvo por una grieta a la altura de la vagina) y exponiéndose en una pose que algunos internautas han considerado provocativa sexualmente. Estos han denunciado que esa imagen se encuentre en la popular enciclopedia de Internet al ser la portada del disco de la citada banda de Heavy Metal, y como esa enciclopedia es de uso no restrictivo para los menores, pudiera resultar delito en Estados Unidos.

SCORPIONS por el momento no han hecho ningún comunicado al respecto.
Recogido en metal dreams

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